Course Overview

Digital Numeracy Skills

This listing has been expired.

Qualification Overview

The aim of this course is for learners to be able to use digital applications involving numeracy more confidently in everyday life.
Learners will learn how to interact with digital devices, create various documents, write and send emails and how to interact with various programmes, as well as develop numeracy skills for everyday life, including basic banking, shopping, and budgeting.

09:00 – 15:00
Monday to Friday

Funding criteria

This course is funded under the Multiply programme for Slough Borough Council.
The eligibility criteria for free funding are the following:

– Aged 19+
– Resident in Slough
– Resident in the UK continuously for 3 years or more (exceptions apply for refugees)

Progression opportunities

Learners can progress into higher qualifications, such as Level 1 and 2 Maths, or secure employment. Additionally, the programme aims to empower parents by improving their digital numeracy skills to better support their children in education.

Qualification Reference Number (QRN)


Total qualification time (TQT):


Guided learning hours (GLH)




Mode of Delivery


Entry requirements:

This programme is specifically designed to support individuals with little or no digital skills, particularly those who are unemployed, have limited work experience, or are re-entering the workforce.
All learners must have access to a laptop in order to benefit from the course.

Mandatory Units

UNIT 1: Basic Digital Skills for Everyday Life
UNIT 2: Basic Numeracy Skills for Everyday Life


Interactive Quiz

Real Work Environment (RWE)

Not required


Case Studies