Course Overview

Learning Programme – Introduction to Childcare

This listing has been expired.

Qualification Overview

Safeguarding Children, Fundamental British Values, The Prevent Duty, Key Elements of Effective practice in Early Years, Understanding the revised EYFS, Managing Behaviour in the EYFS, Communication and the EYFS, Child Development 0-5 years, Mental Health Awareness, Recognising and Supporting Children with SEN, Equality and Diversity in the Early Years, Health and Safety within nurseries, Wellbeing in the Early Years, Personal & Professional Development.

The course also includes a session of CV building and interview tips with an experienced consultant from Worldwide Education.

This is a Community Learning Programme and it is available only for learners who meet the funding eligibility criteria.

Funding criteria


Progression opportunities

This course is an introduction to the role of Nursery Assistant. You can progress into a Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Safeguarding and Prevent, and Level 2 Diploma for the Early Years Practitioner. You will also be invited for a job interview at the end of the course by our sister Company Worldwide Education which could progress into employment as a temp Nursery Assistant.

Qualification Reference Number (QRN)


Total qualification time (TQT):


Guided learning hours (GLH)




Mode of Delivery
Entry requirements:

Aged 19+ (plus all other eligibility criteria for funding)

Mandatory Units

14 Units


Interactive quiz

Real Work Environment (RWE)


Case Studies